Thyme for Cooking: Recipe Index

Starters / First Courses

Easy recipes for Small Dishes that work for first courses, light lunches or simple suppers. Mix and match for a heartier meal

Eggs:  Poached, Scrambled, Fried, Omelets, Frittatas, Tortillas

Salads:  Lettuce, Spinach, Vegetablespinach strudel

Soups:   Light Soups... Hot and cold

Tarts and Pastries:  Recipes using Pastry (purchased), Shrimp, Smoked Salmon, Goat Cheese, Polenta, and more

Vegetable Dishes:   Hot and Cold Vegetable Recipes, Gratins and Timbales, Stuffed Vegetables

Main Courses

Fish & Seafood

Beef & Veal

Chicken & other Poultry

Pork & Lambpasta ham peas

Soups and Stews: Casseroles, Miscellaneous, Recipes, Soups, Stews

Pasta:  Lasagne, Lo Mein, Penne, spaghetti, farfalle, linguini.....

Pies, Pizzas and Quiches:  Enchiladas, Pies and Quiches - no pastry crust required, Pizza

Stir Fries & Skillet Dinners:  Hash Recipes, Skillet Dinners, Stir-Fry Recipes, Stuffed Vegetables



Barbecue / Outdoor Cooking

Easy recipes for the Barbecue Grill, with side dishes and salads to finish the meal. Simple to prepare recipes using fresh ingredients... Make cooking dinner fun!

Fish and Shellfish:  Salmon, Tuna, Swordfish,Shrimp, Scallops chicken satay

Chicken and Other Poultry:  Chicken Breasts, Thighs, Whole Chickens, Turkey, Cornish Hens

Beef and Veal: Beef, Ground Beef, Veal

Pork and Lamb:  Pork Chops, Loin Roasts,Tenderloin, Ham, Sausages, Lamb Recipes

Vegetables and Salads:  Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Vegetables, Potato Salads, Green Salads, Vegetable Salads


Easy recipes for the Sides Dishes you need to make your meal complete. Simple to prepare recipes using fresh ingredients... Make cooking dinner fun!

Pasta Side Dishes:  Pasta, Couscous, Salad Recipes

Rice Side Dishes:  Arborio / Risotto Sides, Basmati Rice, Brown Rice, Rice Salads

Grain Side Dishes:  Barley, Polenta, Quinoa, Wild Ricebeans & tomatoes

Potatoes:  Boiled, Braised, Mashed, Fried,Roasted, Gratins, Sweet Potatoes

Spring Vegetables:  Artichokes, Asparagus,Peas,Spinach

Summer Vegetables:  Green Beans, Courgette(Zucchini), Chard, Sweet Corn

Fall Vegetables:  Carrots, Beetroot, Rutabagas, Squashes, Dried Legumes

Winter Vegetables: Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Sunchokes


Breads, pickles, sauces, vinaigrettes..... just a few odds & ends.

As to the recipes.....

Naturally, whether or not the serving size suits you...
depends on appetite, activity level, and all sorts of stuff we know nothing about.


Questions? E-mail me