Menu Plan for Fall II: Week 8, Day 2


Weekly Menu

Shopping List

Daily Recipes:

 Day 1
 Day 2
 Day 3
 Day 4
 Day 5
 Day 6

Osso Bucco
Mashed Cauliflower Potato Medley

Cooking time:  75 minutes for menu          Cooking schedule: see below for instructions

       As with most Italian dishes there are as many recipes of Osso Bucco as there are Italian cooks.  This is a compilation of several.  If you can't find veal shanks, substitute veal shoulder or anything suitable for braising. We'll use the leftover sauce with the Meatballs.

Osso Bucco

Total time: 90 minutes
    Braised Veal Shanks, another Italian classic with many variations:  some have a light, lemon sauce; some a heavy tomato.  This is a light vegetable....

Osso Bucco Ingredients:


Mashed Cauliflower & Potato Medley

Total time: 30 minutes
    The addition of puréed cauliflower to mashed potatoes adds a lovely flavor and sweetness.

 Mashed Cauliflower & Potato Medley Ingredients:


Note:  Can be put into an oven proof serving dish, covered with foil and kept warm in 200F (100C) oven for 15 minutes.

Cooking Schedule: 75 minutes for menu
Assemble all food, utensils and serving dishes
Utensils: measuring cups, spoons, knives,
large saucepan, deep skillet or Dutch oven, lid

Clean, chop leek
Sauté leek in Dutch oven or deep skillet
Chop carrot, add to leek
Chop celery, add to leek
Mince garlic, add to leek
Move vegetables to side, brown veal
Turn veal

Add wine broth, tomatoes, herbs to veal
Cover, simmer
    Pause will Osso Bucco cooks
Cut cauliflower
Peel, quarter potatoes
Cook potatoes, cauliflower
           Pause while everything cooks
Mash potatoes, cauliflower
Add butter, parsley, milk, finish
Remove veal
Thicken sauce, spoon over veal, Serve

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