Menu Plan for Winter II: Week 13, Day 6


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Daily Recipes:

 Day 1
 Day 2
 Day 3
 Day 4
 Day 5
 Day 6

Pork Chops Diablo
Hot Cauliflower and Potato Salad

Cooking time:  30 minutes for menu          Cooking schedule: see below for instructions

       It's not quite a potato salad, more of a winter salad, but a nice change for late winter.  Use hot sauce in the pork if you like... As is, they are very assertive, but not hot.

Pork Chops Diablo

Total time: 30 minutes
     Diablo or deviled usually means spicy, often hot and always full of rich, complex flavors.  These zesty pork chops are a perfect example. The ones I get are quite thin.  You may need to increase the cooking time if you are using very thick chops.

Pork Chops Diablo Ingredients:


Hot Cauliflower and Potato Salad

Total time: 30 minutes
    Potatoes and cauliflower take about the same time to cook - so why not cook together?  Finish with a slightly sharp mustard and a slightly sweet vinegar and you have a flavorful side dish; one dirty pan!  Give the potatoes a slight head start....

Hot Cauliflower and Potato Salad Ingredients:


Cooking schedule: 30 minutes
Assemble all ingredients and utensils
Utensils: measuring cups, spoons, knives,
large skillet with lid, large saucepan with steamer
basket and lid, plate

Mix flour, chili powder, add chops, coat
Heat oil in skillet, add chops, brown
Chop onion
Turn chops
Heat water in steamer
Cut potatoes, add to steamer
Cut cauliflower

Remove chops, set aside
Add oil, chili powder to skillet, sauté
Add cauliflower to potatoes
Add onions to skillet, sauté
Add sauce, broth, Worcestershire, mustard to skillet
Dissolve cornstarch in broth, thicken sauce
Return chops to pan, reduce heat, cover, simmer
     Pause while stuff cooks
Remove potatoes, cauliflower, empty pan
Add oil, herbs, mustard and vinegar to pan
Add potatoes, cauliflower, stir to combine

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