Menu Plan for Spring II: Week 6, Saturday


Weekly Menu

Shopping List

Daily Recipes:


Asparagus Pastries with Tarragon Cream
Stuffed Pork Tenderloin on Caramelized Onions
Cheddar Mashed Potatoes

Cooking time:  50 minutes for menu        Cooking schedule: see below for instructions

   I know it's late in the year for mashed potatoes, but they just seemed to go so well with the pork and onions.  The cheddar made them a bright gold color; very pretty. With all the onions and asparagus, I didn't do an additional vegetable with this dinner.  This tart uses a bit more puff pastry then some of my tarts, but I wanted to use uncut asparagus spears. Leftover puff pastry can be refrigerated for next week.

Asparagus Pastries with Tarragon Cream

Total time: 25 minutes
      Whole asparagus spears nestled on a bed of Tarragon Cream; a savory version of the sweet pastries in the windows of fancy Paris shops.

Asparagus Pastries with Tarragon Cream Ingredients:


Stuffed Pork Tenderloin on Caramelized Onions

Total time: 45 minutes
     Pork tenderloin lend itself very well to stuffing. Here we stuff it with savory mushrooms and roast it on a bed of onions.    

Stuffed Pork Tenderloin on Caramelized Onions Ingredients:


Cheddar Mashed Potatoes

Total time: 30 minutes
     Lightly stir the shredded cheddar into the hot potatoes just before serving; some will melt into the potatoes giving them a lovely golden color, some will turn into trails of molten cheese.

Cheddar Mashed Potatoes Ingredients:


Cooking Schedule: 50 minutes
Assemble all food, utensils and serving dishes
Utensils: measuring cups, spoons, knives,
large skillet, medium skillet, small skillet, baking
sheet, roasting pan, medium saucepan with lid,
small saucepan, kitchen string

Thaw puff pastry if needed
Turn oven on, 420F (210C), arrange 2 shelves
Make tarragon cream, stir in yogurt, set aside
Slice onion, sauté
Chop mushrooms, mince garlic
Sauté paprika
Add mushrooms, garlic, sauté
Heat water for asparagus
Cut pork
Get kitchen string ready
Add sugar, vinegar to onions, stir, turn off heat
Trim asparagus
Make stuffing for pork
Add asparagus to water, blanch
Stuff pork, tie, set aside

Remove asparagus, rinse with cold water
Cut puff pastry, place on baking sheet, score
Spread tarragon cream on pastry
Arrange asparagus on tarragon cream
Arrange onions in roasting pan, top with pork
Make basting sauce for pork, baste
Put pork, pastry in oven, pastry on higher shelf
     Tidy up the kitchen
Peel potatoes, cook
Shred cheddar
Remove pastries
Baste pork, reduce oven to 350F (175C)
Serve pastries, relax, enjoy
Check potatoes, turn off if done
Baste pork, check
When pork is done remove, allow to rest
Drain potatoes, mash
Add 1/2 cheddar to potatoes, mash
Add rest of cheddar, stir
Slice pork, serve

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