Menu Plan for Winter II: Week 3, Wednesday


Weekly Menu

Shopping List

Daily Recipes:


Christmas Eve Dinner
Smoked Salmon with Traditional Garnish
Standing Rib Roast / Yorkshire Pudding, Horseradish Sauce
Cauliflower Parmesan
Bûche de Noël recipe not included

Cooking time: 60 - 90 minutes for menu          Cooking schedule: see below for instructions

        Holiday meals are full of tradition.  This is ours. You could substitute a whole or half beef tenderloin, roasted, for the Rib Roast. 

Smoked Salmon with Traditional Garnish

Total time: 30 minutes
      This is not meant to be done with the dry-smoked, shrink- wrapped 'Cajun (or whatever) salmon.  It is meant to be the moist, European kind that is either pre-sliced or sliced off a whole salmon in paper thin slices.  You will want 2 - 3 slices per person depending on how big the slice.  The serving should almost cover the plate.  If you have never tried this kind now is the time!  If you are having salad tomorrow will want 1/2 to 2/3 as much as for this.  Dry white wine or Champagne is best.

Smoked Salmon with Traditional Garnish Ingredients:


Standing Rib Roast with Yorkshire Pudding and Horseradish Sauce

Preparation and cooking time: 
                 60 - 90 minutes, 20-25 minutes per pound for medium rare. You need a meat thermometer
     You can get a rib roast small enough for 2... with leftovers.  We used to get a 1 - 2 rib roast. If it won't 'stand' just put it on a meat  rack.  I have no photo as this was our dinner when we lived in the US. Prime rib is not easy to find where we live now.



Yorkshire Pudding

Total time: 35 minutes
     This a bit tricky with a small roast; it is supposed to be made with the fat from the roast but there may not be enough from a small roast. Here is how I manage:

yorkshire pudding Ingredients:


Horseradish Sauce 

Time: 10 minutes
Crème fraiche can be whipped - and gives a lovely, slightly tangy flavor to the sauce.  If you can't get it, substitute regular heavy whipping cream.



Cauliflower Parmesan

Total time: 30 minutes
    Sometimes, simple is best.

Cauliflower Parmesan Ingredients:


Cooking Schedule: 90 minutes
Assemble all food, utensils and serving dishes
Utensils: measuring cups, spoons, knives,
small saucepan with lid, roasting pan, baking dish,
saucepan with steamer basket and lid, 2 medium
bowls, whisk, carving board, foil, meat thermometer

Turn on the oven, 425F (215C)
Cook eggs - if not done earlier
Season beef, put into oven (when oven is hot)
Cut cauliflower
      Champagne, anyone?
Chop onion, capers
Trim, butter bread (toast first if you like)
Remove salmon from fridge to warm up a bit
Check beef
    Admire the holiday decor  
Grate Parmesan
Make the Horseradish Sauce, refrigerate
Mix batter for Yorkshire Pudding
Peel, chop the eggs

Check beef, if close (115F) remove and get 2 tbs of
        drippings for pudding
Arrange salmon, garnishes on plates
Prepare pudding pan
Remove beef, put in pudding - set timer for 20 min.
Cover beef with foil, let rest
Steam cauliflower
Serve salmon, relax - toast Christmas!
When timer goes off, turn oven down for pudding -
         do NOT open the door!  Reset timer
Turn off heat under cauliflower
Finish starter
Finish cauliflower
Slice beef
Get the Horseradish Sauce from the fridge
Remove Yorkshire pudding, serve all
Finish with a lovely dessert, coffee....  Chocolates?

                     MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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