Menu Plan for Spring II: Week 9, Friday


Weekly Menu

Shopping List

Daily Recipes:


Salad with Chevre and Walnuts
Grilled Salmon with Tarragon Mayonnaise
Couscous Salad
Roasted Asparagus

Cooking time: 35 minutes for menu      Cooking schedule: see below for instructions

     We'll use about 1/3 of a 7oz (210gr) goat cheese tonight and the rest on Sunday night.

Salad with Chevre (Goat Cheese) and Walnuts

Total time: 10 minutes
    A classic summer salad at sidewalk cafes everywhere.  It's simple, bursting with flavor and, in a scaled down version, perfect for a summer first course... On the terrace perhaps?

Salad with Chevre (Goat Cheese) and Walnuts Ingredients:


Grilled Salmon with Tarragon Mayonnaise

Total time: 20 minutes
     Tarragon and chives are the first herbs to come up in the spring. They make a light mayonnaise perfect with grilled fish.

salmon tarragon Ingredients:


Couscous Salad 

Total time: 15 minutes
    Couscous does not have to be dry and boring.  It also doesn't need cooking which makes it the perfect fast food.  Heat the stock, do a bit of chopping and you're done! Plus it's a dish that can help clean out the fridge.

Couscous Salad  Ingredients:


Roasted Asparagus

Total time: 25 minutes
    Roasting vegetables is so easy, a bit of olive oil, pop them in the oven and forget about them.  Them come out crisp tender, ready to be eaten as is or enhanced with a sprinkling of fresh herbs.

Roasted Asparagus Ingredients:


Cooking Schedule: 35 minutes
Assemble all food, utensils and serving dishes
Utensils: measuring cups, spoons, knives,
small saucepan, 3 small bowls, medium bowl with
lid or foil, baking sheet, barbecue grill with fish
basket / grill pan or baking sheet, salad spinner

Turn oven on, 400F, (200C)
Turn on/light barbecue grill
Mix oil, dill, brush on salmon, set aside
Slice celery
Cut all tomatoes
Snip all herbs, keep separate for each dish
Make tarragon mayo, set aside
Wash and spin lettuce
Trim asparagus

Roll asparagus in oil bake
Heat stock
Put couscous in bowl
Make vinaigrette for salad
Slice goat cheese
Make salad, arrange on plates
Mix vinegar, oil, mustard for couscous, set aside
Pour stock over couscous, cover
Start to grill/bake salmon
Serve salad, relax
     Pause to turn salmon if grilling
Done? Check salmon, remove if done
Finish couscous
Finish asparagus
Serve everything

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