Menu Plan for Fall I: Week 6, Day 1


Weekly Menu

Shopping List

Daily Recipes:

 Day 1
 Day 2
 Day 3
 Day 4
 Day 5
 Day 6

Salmon Baked in Phyllo with Tarragon Shallot Sauce
Simple Couscous
Butternut Squash with Bacon and Sage

Cooking time:  40 minutes for menu          Cooking schedule: see below for instructions

         The Salmon in Phyllo is impressive and easy to make.  Working with phyllo is not hard, just requires one to be ready and quick. Phyllo can be thawed and frozen twice, and keeps in the fridge - wrapped well in film.

Salmon Baked in Phyllo with Tarragon Cream Sauce

Total time: 25 minutes
    A very impressive dish, easy to prepare, bakes quickly and makes an elegant presentation. Phyllo can be frozen twice.

Salmon Baked in Phyllo with Tarragon Cream Sauce Ingredients:


Note: Phyllo dough is very fragile and prone to drying out.  Use one sheet at a time and cover the remaining sheets with a slightly damp towel or paper towel.

Simple Couscous

Total time: 15 minutes
    This is couscous at it's simplest:  just a bit of herbs and oil, the perfect dish to accompany a sauced fish or meat...

Simple Couscous Ingredients:


Butternut Squash with Bacon and Sage

Total time: 40 minutes
    There is a group of cooks that feel almost anything can be improved with bacon. I'm one of them... Within reason. I love the combination of salty bacon or ham with sweet squash and spicy sage. And I love easy vegetables.  This started out to be a gratin, but I decided to leave the topping off, some things are best simple.

Butternut Squash with Bacon and Sage Ingredients:


Note:  To clean butternut squash first peel it, using a potato/vegetable peeler.  If it's large (typically) cut it in half between the 'neck' and 'bowl' ends.  Then cut those in half the 'long' way.  Scoop the seeds out of the round end and discard.  I use the neck end for uniform pieces and the bowl end for soups and smaller pieces.

Cooking Schedule: 40 minutes
Assemble all food, utensils and serving dishes
Utensils: measuring cups, spoons, knives,
scissors, small skillet, 2 small saucepans, 1 lid,
baking sheet, baking dish for squash, pastry brush
and dish for melting butter (micro), medium bowl
with cover
Thaw phyllo if necessary
Turn on oven, 400F (200C), arrange 2 shelves
Fry bacon in small skillet
Peel, cut, clean squash
Slice what is needed, wrap and refrigerate the rest
Snip sage
Turn bacon
Remove bacon, crumble

Assemble squash dish, bake
Heat stock for couscous
Melt butter for phyllo
Fuss with the salmon, rinse, dry
Make salmon parcels, give final brush with butter
Place on baking sheet, bake
Chop shallot for sauce, sauté
Put couscous, herbs in bowl, pour stock over, cover
Add herbs, stock to shallots, simmer
Dissolve cornstarch in stock, thicken sauce
    Pause while everything finishes
Remove squash
Finish couscous
Remove salmon when done
Stir yogurt into sauce, serve

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