Menu Plan for Summer I: Week 5, Thursday


Weekly Menu

Shopping List

Daily Recipes:


Grilled Chicken Breasts with Mustard Sauce
Roasted Carrots, Onions and Potatoes

Cooking time: 35 minutes for menu      Cooking schedule: see below for instructions

     Tired of the tomato-based barbecue sauces?  How about something with a mustard sauce?

Grilled Chicken Breasts with Mustard Sauce 

Total time: 35 minutes
   Grilled chicken breasts finished with a warm mustard sauce; a little bit of heat for summer cooking.

Grilled Chicken Breasts with Mustard Sauce Ingredients:


Roasted Carrots, Onions and Potatoes   

Total time: 35 minutes 
      In the winter I do these in the oven; in summer on the grill. Either way, roasted/grilled vegetables are delicious, and, cooked with a minimum of fat, very healthy.

Roasted Carrots, Onions and Potatoes Ingredients:


Cooking schedule: 35 minutes
Assemble all food, utensils and serving dishes
Utensils: measuring cups, spoons, knives,
small saucepan, whisk, small bowl, large bowl,
barbecue grill and grill pan, plate for chicken

Light/turn on barbecue grill
Cut potatoes, carrots, onion
Mix oil, vinegar, add vegetables, stir well
Put vegetables in grill pan, cook
Combine stock, sherry, reduce

Combine mustard, oil, brush on chicken
Cook chicken
Add mustards to sherry / stock, simmer
    Pause while it all cooks
Mind the vegetables
Turn the chicken
Add yogurt to mustard sauce
Remove chicken, vegetables
Slice chicken
Serve with sauce

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