Menu Plan for Winter I: Week 7, Saturday


Weekly Menu

Shopping List

Daily Recipes:


Leek and Bacon Pastries
Blanquette de Veau

Cooking time:  2 hours with breaks for menu       Cooking schedule: see below for instructions

      This braised veal dish is classic French cooking, but very easy. Substitute pork if you prefer. You could do this in a slow-cooker; but if you do, add the carrots half way through. The first course uses the rest of the puff pastry from last week.

Leek and Bacon Pastries

Total time: 30 minutes 
     Little pastries are an easy and elegant first course.  These are simply topped with sautéed leeks and bacon.

Leek and Bacon Pastries Ingredients:


Blanquette de Veau Veal in White Wine Sauce

Total time: 2 hours  
   Braised veal and vegetables, finished with a white wine sauce is a classic French dish, easy to make, delicious, and impressive to serve.  It can easily be expanded for a dinner party.

Veal in White Wine Sauce Ingredients:


Cooking Schedule: 2 hours with breaks
Assemble all food, utensils and serving dishes
Utensils: measuring cups, spoons, knives,
heavy pot or Dutch oven with lid, 2 medium skillets,
small bowl, baking sheet, strainer, pot and colander
for gnocchi

Thaw pastry if needed
Cut veal
Peel, cut carrot
Peel onion, cut in half, stud with cloves
Put veal, carrot, onion, herbs in pot
Pour wine, stock over, bring to a boil
Cover, reduce heat, braise
      Take an hour break
Turn oven on 420F (210C)
Trim, slice leeks
Cut bacon
Sauté leeks, bacon for pastry
Peel shallots
Clean, trim mushrooms, slice big ones
Sauté mushrooms
Put water on high heat for gnocchi

Cut pastry into circles, place on baking sheet
Score pastries
Remove mushrooms
Sauté shallots
Mix mustard, yogurt, spread on pastries
Chop olives
Add stock to shallots, cover and simmer
Top pastries with leeks, bacon, bake
Dissolve cornstarch in water
    pause while pastries bake
Remove pastries, garnish with chopped olives, serve
Uncover shallots, cook off liquid
Add mushrooms to shallots, turn off heat, cover
Remove veal, carrots, add to shallots to keep warm
Strain cooking stock, return to high heat, reduce
Start to cook gnocchi
Thicken sauce
Strain gnocchi, arrange on platter
Add veal, carrots, mushrooms, shallots to gnocchi
Add yogurt, nutmeg to sauce, stir to combine
Pour sauce over veal and vegetables and serve

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