Menu Plan for Summer I: Week 12, Day 5


Weekly Menu

Shopping List

Daily Recipes:

 Day 1
 Day 2
 Day 3
 Day 4
 Day 5
 Day 6

Marinated Chicken Breasts, Grilled
Grilled or Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Warm Green Bean Salad

Cooking time:  35 minutes for menu           Cooking schedule: see below for instructions

          This is my oldest and most frequently used marinade; slight modifications for beef and pork.  It's easy and made from the pantry. If you can find the flat, Italian Romano beans for this, try them. 

Marinated Chicken Breasts, Grilled

Total time: 30 minutes
   This is a simple marinade made with ingredients found in most pantries.  The chicken is great as is, but will also be good tossed with salads or pastas.

Marinated Chicken Breasts Ingredients:


Grilled or Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Total time: 40 minutes
   These get a bit crusty on the outside and incredibly soft and creamy on the inside.  Yes, the skins are edible and good for you ;-))

Grilled or Roasted Sweet Potatoes Ingredients:


Warm Green Bean Salad

Total time: 25 minutes
    Warm beans with bacon bits.... There is something about that combination that never fails to excite the taste buds.  These beans are cooked until tender, rather then being quickly blanched; this is an old-fashioned salad....

Warm Green Bean Salad Ingredients:


Cooking schedule: 35 minutes
Assemble all food, utensils and serving dishes
Utensils: measuring cups, spoons, knives,
scissors, small bowl, dish for marinating, small skillet
lid, grill pan for potatoes, barbecue grill or skillet
Light/turn on barbecue grill
Make marinade, pour over chicken
Cut sweet potatoes
Mix oil, Herbes, add potatoes, stir
Cook potatoes
Top and tail beans, cut
    Pause while potatoes get started
Start to cook beans
Start to grill chicken

Stir potatoes
Snip chives
     Pause while stuff cooks
Remove beans, cover with lid to keep warm
Sauté bacon
Turn chicken
Turn bacon
Remove bacon, crumble
Add Worcestershire, water, sugar, mustard to skillet
Reduce sauce for beans
Remove chicken, potatoes
Add sauce, chives to beans, stir
Slice chicken, if you like

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