Menu Plan for Winter II: Week 9, Day 5


Weekly Menu

Shopping List

Daily Recipes:

 Day 1
 Day 2
 Day 3
 Day 4
 Day 5
 Day 6

Creamy Chicken and Carrots
Basmati Rice

Cooking time: 25 minutes for menu           Cooking schedule: see below for instructions

        I was on a carrot kick this week, as I bought a large bag because of the stew. And this was easy.  In fact, I'm feeling guilty because it was so easy....  This is meant to use up the last of the yogurt; if you don't have any you could substitute milk for half of the chicken stock, and/or add one more tsp mustard.

Creamy Chicken with Carrots

Total time: 25 minutes
    Another skillet dinner: cook the chicken and carrots together and serve over rice. And, it's yogurt, not cream, for a healthier finish.

Creamy Chicken with Carrots Ingredients:


Cooking schedule: 25 minutes
Assemble all food, utensils and serving dishes
Utensils: measuring cups, spoons, knives,
large skillet with lid, small saucepan with lid

Chop onion, sauté
Mince garlic, add to onion
Sauté rice
Cut chicken, brown
Add stock to rice, cover, simmer
Peel, cut carrots

Turn chicken
Add carrots, stock, mustard, herbs, stir, cover
      Pause while stuff cooks - 15 minutes
Dissolve cornstarch in water

Everything done?
Thicken sauce
Stir in yogurt
Put rice on small platter
Arrange chicken, carrots

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