Menu Plan for Spring II: Week 11, Tuesday


Weekly Menu

Shopping List

Daily Recipes:


Grilled Chili Chops
German Potato Salad, leftover
White Balsamic Glazed Carrots

Cooking time:   30 minutes for menu      Cooking schedule: see below for instructions

     I try to make good use of leftovers in the summer, as well as winter - usually leftover potato or pasta salads. 

Grilled Chili Chops

Total time: 30 minutes
      Do 2 boneless chops or 3, thinner, bone-in chops.  It all depends on availability and your appetite.  The marinade adds a zesty flavor to the pork and helps keep them tender as they cook.  Remember, slightly pink is okay, too done dries them out, and makes them rather tough.

Grilled Chili Chops Ingredients:


Hot German Potato SaladHot German Potato Salad

Total time: 5 minutes




White Balsamic Glazed Carrots

Total time: 30 minutes
  A bit of sugar emphasizes the natural sweetness of the carrots.

White Balsamic Glazed Carrots  Ingredients:


Cooking schedule: 30 minutes
Assemble all food, utensils and serving dishes
Utensils: measuring cups, spoons, knives,
small bowl, dish for marinating, small skillet, lid,
barbecue grill

Light/turn on grill if using
Mix marinade, spoon over chops
Get salad from fridge and let warm a bit
Cut carrots, start to cook

     Stand around while the grill gets hot
Start to cook chops
     Admire the sunset
Baste chops, turn, baste other side
Reheat potato salad if you like
Cook off carrots
Finish carrots
Remove chops

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