Menu Plan for Winter I: Week 6, Saturday


Weekly Menu

Shopping List

Daily Recipes:


Chevre en Croute with Tomato Sauce
Braised Pork with Leek Sauce
Alsatian Potatoes
Creamed Savoy Cabbage

Cooking time:  90 minutes with break for menu       Cooking schedule: see below for instructions

     The goat cheese is the kind that comes in a log with a white rind, not the soft, spreadable kind.  You could substitute Brie or Camembert. Use any leftover pimento in the Enchiladas. Leftover Pork will be used in the Risotto.

Chevre en Croute with Tomato Sauce

Total time: 25 minutes  
     You want two 5" - 6" (14cm) squares of puff pastry for these.  It should be about 1/2 of a sheet. You will find it in either the refrigerated or freezer section. Refrigerate the rest for another use; it will keep for a week or 2.

chevre prep Ingredients:


Braised Pork with Leeks

Total time: 1 hour 30 minutes 
       Braising does wonderful things to a pork roast: keeping it moist and making it very tender.   This is served with a White Wine and Leek Sauce.  There will be enough pork left for another meal...

Braised Pork with Leeks Ingredients:


Alsatian Potatoes

Total time: 40 minutes  
     Instead of the usual boiled potatoes try this tasty alternative: Potatoes and onions simmered slowly in chicken broth, which they absorb by the end of cooking time.

Alsatian Potatoes Ingredients:


Creamed Savoy Cabbage

Total time: 20 minutes 
   Creamed cabbage - sounds terribly old-fashioned, doesn't it?  I've updated it a bit.... But it's still simple.

Creamed Savoy Cabbage Ingredients:


Cooking Schedule: 90 minutes with break
Assemble all food, utensils and serving dishes
Utensils: measuring cups, spoons, knives,
medium skillet with lid, 2 small saucepans, 1 lid,
baking sheet, heavy pot or Dutch oven

Clean, trim and slice leeks, sauté
Remove leeks, Brown pork
Add wine to pot, deglaze
Return leeks to pot, add wine, stock, thyme
Bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat and braise
     Take a break 40 minutes or as long as you like
35 minutes before serving
Turn oven on, 4000F (200C)
Cut pastry, lay on baking sheet
Drain pimento, lay on pastry
Cut goat cheese, lay on pimento, seal corners, bake

Chop onion, sauté
Cut potatoes, add to onion, with stock, thyme, boil
Slice cabbage
Heat ingredients for tomato sauce
Put cabbage, stock in skillet, cover, cook
   Pause while pastry bakes
Remove pastry, plate, add tomato sauce, serve
Mind the potatoes, cabbage
Remove pork
Increase heat under leeks
Dissolve cornstarch in water, add to leeks, stir
Slice pork, spoon leek sauce over
Stir yogurt into cabbage
Drain potatoes if needed

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