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Menu Plan for the week of June 14, 2013:  Saturday's Recipes

Avocado Stuffed with Tomatoes
Stuffed, Smoked Pork Tenderloin
Patatas Bravas
Baked Zucchini (Courgette) Sticks

Cooking time:  45 minutes for menu     Cooking schedule: see below for instructions

        The potatoes use the rest of the Pimiento Sauce from Friday.  Everything finishes cooking while you enjoy the avocado. Do the potatoes in the oven with the zucchini or on the grill with the pork.

Avocado Stuffed with Tomatoes

Total time: 20 minutes
   Avocado halves, filled with a warm tomato, pepper and onion salad make a lovely first course.

Avocado Stuffed with Tomatoes Ingredients:


Smoked, Stuffed Pork Tenderloin

Total time: 40 minutes 
    The pork is lightly smoked, using a regular grill (either charcoal or gas) rather than a proper smoker.  The pink color is a result of the smoking. 

Smoked, Stuffed Pork Tenderloin Ingredients:


Note: You could also roast in the oven for 25 minutes, 400F (200C).

Faux Patatas Bravas 

Total time: 35 minutes
   These are not as hot as the 'real' ones in Spain.  If you would like more heat add red pepper flakes or a few drops of bottled hot sauce.  The translation is 'Fierce Potatoes' (not 'brave'). The Pimiento Sauce is enough for 2 dishes.

Patatas Bravas Ingredients:


Baked Zucchini (Courgette) Sticks

Total time: 40 minutes  
    These are quickly prepared; bake, unattended and end with a nice crunch.  Easy peasy! And one can't have too many zucchini recipes in summer!

Baked Zucchini (Courgette) Sticks Ingredients:


Cooking Schedule: 45 minutes for menu
Assemble all food, utensils and serving dishes
Utensils: measuring cups, spoons, knives,
scissors, 2 flattish bowls, medium bowl, 1 or 2 baking
sheets, and/or grill pan, medium skillet, small
saucepan, barbecue grill, kitchen string

Soak wood chips
Turn on / light barbecue grill
Turn oven on, 400F (200C)
Chop capers, olives
Slice pork
Spread mustard, paprika, capers, olives on pork
Tie pork
Cut zucchini
Mix mustard, egg
Mix crumbs, cheese
Roll zucchini sticks, put on baking sheet, set aside
Cut potatoes
Mix oil, vinegar, herbs, potatoes
Put potatoes on baking sheet or grill pan (depending)

Make basting sauce
Put wood chips in foil if needed
Start to cook pork, basting once
Cook potatoes, bake zucchini
Heat Pimiento sauce, adding hot stuff if desired
Chop onion, pepper
Sauté onion, pepper, chili powder
Cut tomatoes
Snip herbs
Remove skillet from heat
Add tomatoes, vinegar, oil, herbs, to skillet, stir
Cut avocado, remove pit
Stuff avocado
Baste pork, mind potatoes
Serve Stuffed Avocado, relax, enjoy....
Remove pork when done, let rest
Remove potatoes, add Pimiento Sauce, finish
Remove zucchini sticks
Slice pork
Serve all

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