7 Day Menu Plan: Week 4  Summer II

This week on the Menu Plan:

scallops Grilled Scallops with Tomato Salsa

melon and ham Melon and Ham

kebabs Savory Beef Kebabs

nicoise pasta  Niçoise Pasta Salad

Weekly Shopping List 

     Yes, more skewered meals.... It's summer! And skewers are very handy for cooking small foods fast - without losing them in the coals.
Saturday's meal can easily be expanded for a crowd if you're having a party. Wednesday's Pasta Salad is perfect for a mobile picnic, or add brats or burgers for a larger gathering. 
Friday gives us some extra Salsa so have some chips on hand...  
   Bon Appétit!

Friday:  Simple Lettuce and Tomato Salad
Grilled Scallops with Tomato Salsa
Grilled Polenta
Braised Carrots and Shallots

Saturday:  Ham and Melon
Grilled Beef Kebabs
Basmati Rice

Sunday:  Chicken Salad with Grilled Potatoes, Onions and Shallots

Monday:  Spicy, Barbecued Burgers
Potato and Green Bean Packets

Tuesday:   Grilled Honey Mustard Pork Chops
Brown Rice Pilaf
Zucchini (Courgette) Patties

Wednesday:   Niçoise Pasta Salad

Thursday:   Balsamic Glazed Turkey Cutlets, Grilled
Brown Rice Pilaf Salad