Thyme for Cooking: Make 'dinner-time' easy

It's time for Summer II Menus....

Do you want to eat healthier meals? 

More vegetables? More whole grains? Less processed food?

Do you want to relax; have fun in the kitchen?

But don't have time to do the planning?

Do you want to stop making (and eating) too much food?

Roast Cornish Hens

A Weekly Menu Plan can help

It's easy: choose your season and choose a menu

The menus are seasonal, helping you use all the wonderful produce from your garden or CSA.... without repeating the same few recipes.

There are soups and stews in winter; salads and grill recipes in summer

If you follow the menus in order you will see that the 1/2 red pepper left from one week is used in the next week.

Get all the details here: Seasonal Menus

All recipes use fresh, seasonal produce.

Shopping lists help use your time more efficiently and control costs.

Enjoy menus with variety - recipes are rarely repeated within the year. 

Plan ahead - many weeks include one or two (or more) items that are planned for more than one meal.

You will see recipes that use 1/4 cup of polenta, or 1/3 cup of rice.  I plan carefully to not make too much food.  We have 'planned-overs' not leftovers.

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