Menu Plan for Summer II: Week 3, Saturday


Weekly Menu

Shopping List

Daily Recipes:


Chilled Lettuce Soup
Grilled Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce
Sesame Brown Rice
Crisp Green Beans

Cooking time:  40 minutes for menu      Cooking schedule: see below for instructions

        Grilled gingery chicken breasts with a peanut sauce you can make as hot as you like, served with an Asian-inspired brown rice and a crisp Chinese Bean Salad.  To serve, mound the rice in the middle of a platter, lay the skewered chicken on top and surround with the beans; Peanut Sauce on the side.  This is perfect to expand for a summer party.  The soup can be made earlier in the day, refrigerated and served cold.

Chilled Lettuce Soup

Total time: 25 minutes
   Why not?  We make soup of cabbage, spinach and other greens.  Lettuce Soup is a bit more delicate, depending on what types of lettuce used.  I would suggest using dark green varieties and not adding any purple - it could be a strange color.  It can be made ahead and served cold, straight from the fridge.  I used the outer leaves of heads intended for later in the week. 

Chilled Lettuce Soup Ingredients:


Grilled Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce

Total time: 35 minutes
   Fresh ginger adds a bit of heat and a lot of flavor to this chicken.  You can substitute 1/2 tsp ground ginger if you don't have fresh; and add more if you like the heat.  For a hotter dish you could add crushed red pepper, Asian chili sauce or even Tabasco to the marinade and/or the peanut sauce.

Grilled Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce Ingredients:


Sesame Brown Rice

Total time: 20 minutes    or whatever your package says  
    I use 'Uncle Ben's' which is all I can get and it is quick cooking.  It looks like brown Basmati and cooks in 15 minutes.

Sesame Brown Rice Ingredients:


Note: You can toast regular sesame seeds in a small, dry, skillet over medium heat for 5 - 7 minutes, until light brown.

Crisp Green Beans with Soy Sauce

Total time: 15 minutes
  I originally found this recipe using asparagus in a Chinese cook book but it works well for green beans, too, and is perfect this time of year.

Crisp Green Beans with Soy Sauce Ingredients:


Cooking Schedule: 40 minutes
Assemble all food, utensils and serving dishes
Utensils: measuring cups, spoons, knives,
small bowl, (used 2X) 2 small saucepans,
lids, 2 medium saucepans, one lid, medium bowl
(used 2X), small skillet, marinating dish, skewers,
barbecue grill and grill pan or large skillet, blender

Soak skewers in warm water
Chop onion/shallot, sauté
Chop potato
Add potato, stock to onion, cover, simmer
Make marinade for chicken
Slice chicken, thread onto skewers
Pour marinade over chicken, turning to coat
Put water on high heat for beans
Top and tail beans, cut
Fill medium bowl with very cold water for beans
Blanch beans
Whisk oils, soy sauce for beans
Snip all herbs
Drain beans, plunge into cold water, drain again

Spread beans on paper towels to dry
Shred lettuce, (reserve a bit) add rest to soup
Add tarragon to soup
Purée soup, ladle into bowls, allow to cool / refrigerate
Sauté bacon
Turn on/light barbecue grill
Add beans, chives to dressing, stir
Turn bacon
Sauté chili powder, chives for peanut sauce
Add remaining ingredients, heat to boiling
Cover sauce, remove from heat
Remove bacon, crumble
Start to cook rice
Garnish soup, serve
Done? Start to cook chicken
Check rice, if close stir in soy, sesame oil, seeds
Turn chicken
Fluff rice put onto platter
Arrange beans around rice
Remove chicken, lay on rice
Serve all, Peanut Sauce on the side

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