Menu Plan for Summer I: Week 13, Day 6


Weekly Menu

Shopping List

Daily Recipes:

 Day 1
 Day 2
 Day 3
 Day 4
 Day 5
 Day 6

Deviled Pork Chops, Grilled
Sautéed Potatoes, Onions and Mushrooms
Green and White Beans with Tomatoes, Shallots and Sage

Cooking time:  30 minutes for menu          Cooking schedule: see below for instructions

       This is an easy dinner,  with a little spice to end the week.

Deviled Pork Chops, Grilled

Total time: 30 minutes
  Pork chops with a kick, marinated and cooked on the barbecue grill.  If you want them hotter, more 'devilish' you could add a drop or 2 of Tabasco or other hot sauce. 

Deviled Pork Chops, Grilled Ingredients:


Sautéed Potatoes, Mushrooms and Onions

Total time: 25 minutes  
     Chopped onion and mushrooms add flavor to simple fried potatoes.

Sautéed Potatoes, Mushrooms and Onions Ingredients:


Green and White Beans with Tomatoes, Shallots and Sage

Green and White Beans with Tomatoes, Shallots and Sage Total time: 5 minutes  




Cooking Schedule: 30 minutes
Assemble all food, utensils and serving dishes
Utensils: measuring cups, spoons, knives,
small bowl, plate for marinating, small saucepan,
lid, medium skillet, barbecue grill or large skillet

Light/turn on barbecue grill if using
Make marinade, spoon on chops
Chop onion
Trim, slice mushrooms
Sauté onion, mushrooms
Cut potatoes
Mince garlic

Get beans from fridge, gently reheat
Add garlic to skillet, sauté
Remove onion, mushroom, garlic
Add potatoes, sauté
Start to cook chops
Add onions, mushrooms, garlic to potatoes, sauté
Turn the chops
     Relax a minute
Finish potatoes
Remove chops
Stir beans
Serve all and eat!

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