Recipe in: Barbecue (Fish and Shellfish)

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Tomato, Mozzarella and Avocado Salad

Grilled Scallops with Lemon Ginger Sauce

Basmati with Lemon and Chives

Green Beans with Caramelized Shallots

Menu for this Week

Grilled Scallops with Lemon Ginger Sauce

Total time: 15 minutes
    Scallops cook quickly on the barbecue.  You can use a grill pan or mat to cook them on, but, for easy handling, skewers work well, not through the 'center', but from side to side, so they lie flat. Be careful not to over cook the scallops or they can be tough

Grilled Scallops with Lemon Ginger Sauce Ingredients:


Note:  Could also be quickly sautéed in a nonstick skillet over medium high heat for about the same amount of time.

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