Main Course Menu Plan: Week 2  Winter II

Day 1: Baked Salmon Dijon 

Total time: 25 minutes
   We use fillets but salmon steaks will work.  Add another 5 - 10 minutes for steaks.  The mustard and cheese topping gets golden brown and the sharp flavor works well with the sweet salmon.

Baked Salmon Dijon Ingredients:


Note:  For easy clean up cover pan with foil first.  This is especially nice if you are using fillets with the skin on.  You can carefully lift the salmon off the skin to serve, leaving the skin on the foil.  Then wrap the whole mess up and toss. 

Day 2: Peppered Pork Tenderloin in Red Wine Sauce

Total time: 30 minutes
    Remember that, while adding a lot of flavor, pepper can be quite hot.  Be a bit careful, particularly if you are grinding fresh peppercorns, as these will be hotter than the old stuff in the can in your pantry....

Peppered Pork Tenderloin in Red Wine Sauce  Ingredients:


Day 3: Risotto with Feta, Ham, Peas and Carrots 

Total time: 30 minutes
     The peas give a lovely bright color to this risotto.  The feta is the Greek-type: small cubes that come in glass jars, covered in oil.  Any feta will work.  It doesn't melt like other cheese, adding a twist to the dish.

ham and pea risotto Ingredients:

Risotto with Feta, Ham, Peas and Carrots Instructions:

Day 4: Cashew Chicken and Vegetables

Total time: 30 minutes
    A simple stir-fry of chicken and vegetables made special with the addition of a handful of cashews sprinkled on top.

Cashew Chicken and Vegetables Ingredients:


Day 5:  Pork Chops with Red Cabbage

Total time: 35 minutes
   With the cabbage already made, this becomes an easy midweek dinner.

Pork Chops with Red Cabbage Ingredients:


Day 6: Orzo Pizza

Total time: 50 minutes
            I've used brown rice for a 'crust' but I was looking for something a bit different.  Orzo cooks in 15 minutes, and when done 'risotto' style is a bit sticky.  Perfect! I used salami, but pepperoni, ham or chicken would also be good.

Orzo Pizza Ingredients:


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