Recipe in: Starters  (Salads)

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Caprese Salad

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Barbecued Zucchini (Courgette)

Menu for this Week

Tomato with Fresh Mozzarella and Basil, aka: Caprese salad

Total time: 5 minutes
    This is one of the simple, classic, Italian Summer Salads, and seen on menus all around the Mediterranean.  It's best served with the freshest mozzarella you can find... Which can be difficult if you don't live in Italy.  We try!

Tomato with Fresh Mozzarella and Basil, aka: Caprese salad Ingredients:


Note: if you have nice cruets for the oil and vinegar use them.  If not small bowls with small spoons work fine - or, just put the bottles on the table...

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