6 Day Menu Plan: Week 5  Fall II

This week on the Menu we have:

chicken savoyard Chicken Breasts Savoyard

sliced meat loafSliced Meat Loaf with Mushroom Sauce

tuna TimbaleSpaghetti Timbale with Tuna

Weekly Shopping List 

        We're finishing off any leftover Teriyaki sauce/marinade for the season - substitutions offered if you don't have that either. Summer cooking is officially over. 
A word about celery: We use it almost every week, but rarely an entire bunch during a week. It keeps best if you leave the stem end intact, breaking off the ribs as you use them.  And you can always cut it up for snacks. Cut off the leaf ends to make it easier to store.
   Bon Appétit!

Day 1:  Sesame-Crusted Salmon
Teriyaki Potato Chips
Sautéed Butternut Squash, Oriental Style

Day 2:  Chicken Breasts Savoyard
Basmati Rice

Day 3:   Meat Loaf with Mushroom Sauce
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Cannellini with Tomatoes and Sage

Day 4:  Meat Loaf with Mushroom Sauce
Roasted Potatoes and Butternut Squash

Day 5:  Spaghetti Timbale with Tuna
Cannellini with Tomatoes and Sage

Day 6:  Chicken Stew with Sherry

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