7 Day Menu Plan: Week 6  Summer II

This week on the Menu Plan:

lemon shrimp Grilled Lemon Shrimp

vichyssoise Vichyssoise

barbecued chicken Barbecued Chicken

Weekly Shopping List 

     There are a few classic foods, without which summer would not be complete.  Vichyssoise, a proper Caesar Salad and Barbecued Chicken are three.  Summer is half over; time to get busy with the favorites.  
   Bon Appétit!

Friday:  Caesar Salad
Grilled Lemon Shrimp
Pasta with Fresh Tomato Sauce
Green Beans with Garlic and Rosemary

Saturday:  Vichyssoise
Barbecued Veal Chops
Oriental Rice and Zucchini (Courgette) Salad
Fresh Peach and Berry Salad

Sunday:  Barbecued Chicken
Warm Potato Salad with Green Beans

Monday:  Salad with Tuna and White Beans

Tuesday:   Barbecued Pork Chops
German Potato and Green Bean Salad, leftover

Wednesday:   Warm Turkey and Garlic Pasta Salad
Zucchini (Courgette) with Browned Onions

Thursday:   Burger and Bean Packets
Brown Rice with Fresh Herbs