Recipe in: Barbecue (Chicken and Other Poultry)

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Wilted Lettuce Salad

Grilled Turkey Pesto Rolls

Faux Patatas Bravas

Green Beans with Butter and Pine Nuts

Menu for this Week

Grilled Turkey Pesto Rolls

Total time: 35 minutes
  These are a bit fussy because each roll has to be tied separately, but they are well worth the extra time.  If doing for a larger group, assemble ahead. 

Grilled Turkey Pesto Rolls Ingredients:


Note:  If you can't get turkey cutlets, use 2 chicken breasts: cut almost through, starting on the 'straight' edge of the breast, giving you a pocket the shape of the breast with 1/2 inch of 'uncut' chicken around 3 sides. Fill the 'pocket with pesto, Prosciutto and basil, tie and grill.

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